Online Document Converter

Convert document files of any formats online

How to convert

To complete the task swiftly, follow these three simple steps: upload the document, click "Convert," and save within minutes.

Super Simple Conversion

The user-friendly interface is intuitively crafted, eliminating the need for any prior document conversion expertise.

Online and Cloud Based

Switchmyformat offers a seamless web-based solution, eliminating the hassle of downloads or installations.

Secure & Safe Conversion

Upon immediate upload, all files you provide are promptly and permanently erased, while the converted ones follow suit after 24 hours. Your security is fortified with an SSL certificate.

Cloud Based

The file transformation occurs seamlessly in the cloud, ensuring it's all handled on our end without causing any disruptions to your device's performance.

Any Device Supported

No matter the platform you're using – this versatile tool seamlessly adapts to all. It offers full compatibility across any device, ensuring a smooth user experience for everyone.

Supported Formats

PDFPortable Document FormatPDF Converter
DOCMicrosoft Word DocumentDOC Converter
DOCXMicrosoft Office Open XMLDOCX Converter
XLSMicrosoft Excel Worksheet Sheet(97-2003)XLS Converter
XLSXOffice Open XML Worksheet SheetXLSX Converter
CSVComma-Separated ValuesCSV Converter